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Saturday March 15, 2025
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM    Free PLAYGROUP for kids 0-5 years - Playgroup for 0-5 years old
Free playgroup at the Northfield Elementary School for kids 0-5 years. This will reoccur every third Saturday 9:30am to 11am!This program is free but kids will need to be accompanied by an adult caregiver at all times. We currently have one point person for this group (THANK YOU TIERNEY!), but could use a reliable back up, because, kids! LOL! Please email us if you might be available: reccom@northfieldma.govThis program will allow the kids some social interaction with others of similar age groups as well as a place for caregivers to socialize with other adults with young kids and make connections.If the weather is nice and they want to play outside, they can, but the gym is a nice big open space where we will have toys to play with and activities to do.Guardian must create an account and sign up online so that we have a waiver and also contact information. (We will have paper waivers to fill out too for drop-ins).Questions?
Sunday March 16, 2025
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM    Pickleball - Pickleball 2025
Welcome to Pickleball! Organized by the Northfield Recreation Commission and our staff attendant: Pat Holloway!The goal of Pickleball Open Play Drop In for adults is to allow as many players as feasible to practice and learn from each other in a friendly-competition environment.Doubles games only. First come first serve. Next group waits by stacking their paddles on the sideline in piles of 4.Wednesday nights from 7pm to 9:30pm and Sundays from 11am to 1pm at the Northfield Elementary School Gym (located at the back entrance by the cafeteria/parking lot glass doors).For the 2025 YEAR: Northfield residents is $50 and for non-Northfield residents it is $70.If you sign up to play the later part of the year (Sept-Dec), we will discount it to half.Maximum number of registrations is 50.***Must pay and register to play***Can do that online, or by filling out the Attendant's paper waiver and leave a check/cash. If you register online but don't want to pay online, you can print your pre-registration form after registering online and bring cash or check with you (make check out to: "Town of Northfield") to your first game or put in drop box behind town hall. Please note this is indoor only and no Pickleball during the month of August as NES prepares for school to resume and needs to redo the gym floor. Also, please plan on assisting in putting up and taking down nets each visit as we share a very small space with the rest of the community and school children! Thank you!Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need, or any questions:
Monday March 17, 2025
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM    FREE Adult Pick-Up Sports Series - FREE Adult Pick-Up Series 2025
The FREE Adult (and often older kids are welcome too!) pick-up sport series varies depending on season, availability and requests.Feel passionate about a sport and willing to be a "point person" for a weekly pick up (with the help of the NRC of course)!? Email us at: reccom@northfieldma.gov2025 our current pick up sports available:1) Co-ed Pick Up Basketball at the Northfield Elementary School Gym on Thursday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Brian!2) Co-ed Pick Up Volleyball at NES gym on Monday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Samantha!3) & 4) Co-Ed Pick Up Soccer at NES gym on Wednesday nights 5:30-7pm AND Sunday mornings 9am to 11am. Thank you to our point person: Matt!
Tuesday March 18, 2025
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Tuesday Night Adult Exercise Classes - Tuesday Night Adult Exercise Classes for the year 2025
For $60 a year for residents (and $80 for non-residents) you can register for our adult exercise class(es)! After you pay your yearly fee and do your online waiver, you can attend as many of the classes as you want! (First class is free so that you can check it out first!) :)Please note the yearly fee is for ALL/ANY fitness classes on Tuesday nights taught by Laura RooneyCurrent offerings:Yoga/Pilates fusion year round on Tuesdays from 6-6:45pm at the *Northfield Elementary School CafeteriaDance Aerobics year round on Tuesdays from 7-7:45pm at the *Northfield Elementary School gym.Taught by fitness instructor: Laura Rooney!*Please note that between May to Sept we will shift to the Northfield Golf Course and Yoga/Pilates will be from 6-6:45pm and Dance Aerobics will be from 6:45-7:30pm. For cancellations, we will email you directly as soon as we are able and also post on Facebook.Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need: reccom@northfieldma.govHappy exercising!
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM    Tuesday Night Adult Exercise Classes - Tuesday Night Adult Exercise Classes for the year 2025
For $60 a year for residents (and $80 for non-residents) you can register for our adult exercise class(es)! After you pay your yearly fee and do your online waiver, you can attend as many of the classes as you want! (First class is free so that you can check it out first!) :)Please note the yearly fee is for ALL/ANY fitness classes on Tuesday nights taught by Laura RooneyCurrent offerings:Yoga/Pilates fusion year round on Tuesdays from 6-6:45pm at the *Northfield Elementary School CafeteriaDance Aerobics year round on Tuesdays from 7-7:45pm at the *Northfield Elementary School gym.Taught by fitness instructor: Laura Rooney!*Please note that between May to Sept we will shift to the Northfield Golf Course and Yoga/Pilates will be from 6-6:45pm and Dance Aerobics will be from 6:45-7:30pm. For cancellations, we will email you directly as soon as we are able and also post on Facebook.Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need: reccom@northfieldma.govHappy exercising!
Wednesday March 19, 2025
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM    Choir Club - Choir Club Nov to Jun 2024-2025
NEW PROGRAM! CHOIR CLUB! F R E E !!Wednesdays 3:30-4:00pm at the Northfield Elementary School cafeteria. (Please note, kids at NES will have the option to be dismissed as a walker to choir leader or parent after school but need to send letter into school).Ages 6 to 18, and parents are welcome to participate and strongly encouraged to attend (parental attendance is required for kids who need extra support)! Limited to 10 children. Choir Leader:  Leslie KelloggLocation: Northfield Elementary School cafeteria 104 Main St. One half-hour weekly class during the school year to include vocal warm-ups, singing, percussion instruments and movement. Songs will include folk, hymns, camp, pop and American songbook. (There will also be opportunities to sing at the Trinitarian Church once a month, but performing is not required to attend and sing with us).In addition to the Choir Club there will be an opportunity to perform in two Christmas plays, one on Dec 15th or 22nd, and one on Christmas Eve at the Trinitarian.  (We will have two rehearsals for each - can be m,w,th,or fri and/or 11:00 on Sundays - all in December).  We will learn two plays - there will be some reading parts and there will be some speaking parts.  For anyone who prefers not to read or speak, we have a part for you too! Also FREE! All ages welcome, and parents who would like to help prepare costumes, or help herd the sheep are welcome too!   Leslie Kellogg attended Northfield Elementary School and PVRS.  She has an Associates and Bachelor's degree in Recreation and Leisure Services.  Leslie also has a Master's in Social Work and holds an LCSW.  Most of her career has been leading children and teens in team building exercises.  
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM    FREE Adult Pick-Up Sports Series - FREE Adult Pick-Up Series 2025
The FREE Adult (and often older kids are welcome too!) pick-up sport series varies depending on season, availability and requests.Feel passionate about a sport and willing to be a "point person" for a weekly pick up (with the help of the NRC of course)!? Email us at: reccom@northfieldma.gov2025 our current pick up sports available:1) Co-ed Pick Up Basketball at the Northfield Elementary School Gym on Thursday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Brian!2) Co-ed Pick Up Volleyball at NES gym on Monday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Samantha!3) & 4) Co-Ed Pick Up Soccer at NES gym on Wednesday nights 5:30-7pm AND Sunday mornings 9am to 11am. Thank you to our point person: Matt!
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM    Pickleball - Pickleball 2025
Welcome to Pickleball! Organized by the Northfield Recreation Commission and our staff attendant: Pat Holloway!The goal of Pickleball Open Play Drop In for adults is to allow as many players as feasible to practice and learn from each other in a friendly-competition environment.Doubles games only. First come first serve. Next group waits by stacking their paddles on the sideline in piles of 4.Wednesday nights from 7pm to 9:30pm and Sundays from 11am to 1pm at the Northfield Elementary School Gym (located at the back entrance by the cafeteria/parking lot glass doors).For the 2025 YEAR: Northfield residents is $50 and for non-Northfield residents it is $70.If you sign up to play the later part of the year (Sept-Dec), we will discount it to half.Maximum number of registrations is 50.***Must pay and register to play***Can do that online, or by filling out the Attendant's paper waiver and leave a check/cash. If you register online but don't want to pay online, you can print your pre-registration form after registering online and bring cash or check with you (make check out to: "Town of Northfield") to your first game or put in drop box behind town hall. Please note this is indoor only and no Pickleball during the month of August as NES prepares for school to resume and needs to redo the gym floor. Also, please plan on assisting in putting up and taking down nets each visit as we share a very small space with the rest of the community and school children! Thank you!Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need, or any questions:
Thursday March 20, 2025
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Thursday Night Adult Exercise Classes - Thursday Night Adult Exercise Classes 2025
MORE YOGA/PILATES AND A NEW BARRE CLASS ARE NOW ADDED FOR 2025!!Instructor: Laura Rooney1) Yoga/Pilates fusion classes are from 6-6:45pm2) NEW Barre classes are from 7-7:45pmLocation: Northfield Elementary School cafeteriaCost for all Thursday night classes are a one time cost of $60 (residents), $80 (non-residents). Come to just the yoga/pilates, barre, or both, but this fee is for BOTH the Thursday night exercise classes for THE YEAR!!! Best deal around!!QUESTIONS? EMAIL US:
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM    Thursday Night Adult Exercise Classes - Thursday Night Adult Exercise Classes 2025
MORE YOGA/PILATES AND A NEW BARRE CLASS ARE NOW ADDED FOR 2025!!Instructor: Laura Rooney1) Yoga/Pilates fusion classes are from 6-6:45pm2) NEW Barre classes are from 7-7:45pmLocation: Northfield Elementary School cafeteriaCost for all Thursday night classes are a one time cost of $60 (residents), $80 (non-residents). Come to just the yoga/pilates, barre, or both, but this fee is for BOTH the Thursday night exercise classes for THE YEAR!!! Best deal around!!QUESTIONS? EMAIL US:
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM    FREE Adult Pick-Up Sports Series - FREE Adult Pick-Up Series 2025
The FREE Adult (and often older kids are welcome too!) pick-up sport series varies depending on season, availability and requests.Feel passionate about a sport and willing to be a "point person" for a weekly pick up (with the help of the NRC of course)!? Email us at: reccom@northfieldma.gov2025 our current pick up sports available:1) Co-ed Pick Up Basketball at the Northfield Elementary School Gym on Thursday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Brian!2) Co-ed Pick Up Volleyball at NES gym on Monday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Samantha!3) & 4) Co-Ed Pick Up Soccer at NES gym on Wednesday nights 5:30-7pm AND Sunday mornings 9am to 11am. Thank you to our point person: Matt!
Sunday March 23, 2025
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM    Pickleball - Pickleball 2025
Welcome to Pickleball! Organized by the Northfield Recreation Commission and our staff attendant: Pat Holloway!The goal of Pickleball Open Play Drop In for adults is to allow as many players as feasible to practice and learn from each other in a friendly-competition environment.Doubles games only. First come first serve. Next group waits by stacking their paddles on the sideline in piles of 4.Wednesday nights from 7pm to 9:30pm and Sundays from 11am to 1pm at the Northfield Elementary School Gym (located at the back entrance by the cafeteria/parking lot glass doors).For the 2025 YEAR: Northfield residents is $50 and for non-Northfield residents it is $70.If you sign up to play the later part of the year (Sept-Dec), we will discount it to half.Maximum number of registrations is 50.***Must pay and register to play***Can do that online, or by filling out the Attendant's paper waiver and leave a check/cash. If you register online but don't want to pay online, you can print your pre-registration form after registering online and bring cash or check with you (make check out to: "Town of Northfield") to your first game or put in drop box behind town hall. Please note this is indoor only and no Pickleball during the month of August as NES prepares for school to resume and needs to redo the gym floor. Also, please plan on assisting in putting up and taking down nets each visit as we share a very small space with the rest of the community and school children! Thank you!Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need, or any questions:
Monday March 24, 2025
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM    FREE Adult Pick-Up Sports Series - FREE Adult Pick-Up Series 2025
The FREE Adult (and often older kids are welcome too!) pick-up sport series varies depending on season, availability and requests.Feel passionate about a sport and willing to be a "point person" for a weekly pick up (with the help of the NRC of course)!? Email us at: reccom@northfieldma.gov2025 our current pick up sports available:1) Co-ed Pick Up Basketball at the Northfield Elementary School Gym on Thursday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Brian!2) Co-ed Pick Up Volleyball at NES gym on Monday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Samantha!3) & 4) Co-Ed Pick Up Soccer at NES gym on Wednesday nights 5:30-7pm AND Sunday mornings 9am to 11am. Thank you to our point person: Matt!
Tuesday March 25, 2025
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Tuesday Night Adult Exercise Classes - Tuesday Night Adult Exercise Classes for the year 2025
For $60 a year for residents (and $80 for non-residents) you can register for our adult exercise class(es)! After you pay your yearly fee and do your online waiver, you can attend as many of the classes as you want! (First class is free so that you can check it out first!) :)Please note the yearly fee is for ALL/ANY fitness classes on Tuesday nights taught by Laura RooneyCurrent offerings:Yoga/Pilates fusion year round on Tuesdays from 6-6:45pm at the *Northfield Elementary School CafeteriaDance Aerobics year round on Tuesdays from 7-7:45pm at the *Northfield Elementary School gym.Taught by fitness instructor: Laura Rooney!*Please note that between May to Sept we will shift to the Northfield Golf Course and Yoga/Pilates will be from 6-6:45pm and Dance Aerobics will be from 6:45-7:30pm. For cancellations, we will email you directly as soon as we are able and also post on Facebook.Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need: reccom@northfieldma.govHappy exercising!
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM    Tuesday Night Adult Exercise Classes - Tuesday Night Adult Exercise Classes for the year 2025
For $60 a year for residents (and $80 for non-residents) you can register for our adult exercise class(es)! After you pay your yearly fee and do your online waiver, you can attend as many of the classes as you want! (First class is free so that you can check it out first!) :)Please note the yearly fee is for ALL/ANY fitness classes on Tuesday nights taught by Laura RooneyCurrent offerings:Yoga/Pilates fusion year round on Tuesdays from 6-6:45pm at the *Northfield Elementary School CafeteriaDance Aerobics year round on Tuesdays from 7-7:45pm at the *Northfield Elementary School gym.Taught by fitness instructor: Laura Rooney!*Please note that between May to Sept we will shift to the Northfield Golf Course and Yoga/Pilates will be from 6-6:45pm and Dance Aerobics will be from 6:45-7:30pm. For cancellations, we will email you directly as soon as we are able and also post on Facebook.Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need: reccom@northfieldma.govHappy exercising!
Wednesday March 26, 2025
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM    Choir Club - Choir Club Nov to Jun 2024-2025
NEW PROGRAM! CHOIR CLUB! F R E E !!Wednesdays 3:30-4:00pm at the Northfield Elementary School cafeteria. (Please note, kids at NES will have the option to be dismissed as a walker to choir leader or parent after school but need to send letter into school).Ages 6 to 18, and parents are welcome to participate and strongly encouraged to attend (parental attendance is required for kids who need extra support)! Limited to 10 children. Choir Leader:  Leslie KelloggLocation: Northfield Elementary School cafeteria 104 Main St. One half-hour weekly class during the school year to include vocal warm-ups, singing, percussion instruments and movement. Songs will include folk, hymns, camp, pop and American songbook. (There will also be opportunities to sing at the Trinitarian Church once a month, but performing is not required to attend and sing with us).In addition to the Choir Club there will be an opportunity to perform in two Christmas plays, one on Dec 15th or 22nd, and one on Christmas Eve at the Trinitarian.  (We will have two rehearsals for each - can be m,w,th,or fri and/or 11:00 on Sundays - all in December).  We will learn two plays - there will be some reading parts and there will be some speaking parts.  For anyone who prefers not to read or speak, we have a part for you too! Also FREE! All ages welcome, and parents who would like to help prepare costumes, or help herd the sheep are welcome too!   Leslie Kellogg attended Northfield Elementary School and PVRS.  She has an Associates and Bachelor's degree in Recreation and Leisure Services.  Leslie also has a Master's in Social Work and holds an LCSW.  Most of her career has been leading children and teens in team building exercises.  
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM    FREE Adult Pick-Up Sports Series - FREE Adult Pick-Up Series 2025
The FREE Adult (and often older kids are welcome too!) pick-up sport series varies depending on season, availability and requests.Feel passionate about a sport and willing to be a "point person" for a weekly pick up (with the help of the NRC of course)!? Email us at: reccom@northfieldma.gov2025 our current pick up sports available:1) Co-ed Pick Up Basketball at the Northfield Elementary School Gym on Thursday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Brian!2) Co-ed Pick Up Volleyball at NES gym on Monday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Samantha!3) & 4) Co-Ed Pick Up Soccer at NES gym on Wednesday nights 5:30-7pm AND Sunday mornings 9am to 11am. Thank you to our point person: Matt!
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM    Pickleball - Pickleball 2025
Welcome to Pickleball! Organized by the Northfield Recreation Commission and our staff attendant: Pat Holloway!The goal of Pickleball Open Play Drop In for adults is to allow as many players as feasible to practice and learn from each other in a friendly-competition environment.Doubles games only. First come first serve. Next group waits by stacking their paddles on the sideline in piles of 4.Wednesday nights from 7pm to 9:30pm and Sundays from 11am to 1pm at the Northfield Elementary School Gym (located at the back entrance by the cafeteria/parking lot glass doors).For the 2025 YEAR: Northfield residents is $50 and for non-Northfield residents it is $70.If you sign up to play the later part of the year (Sept-Dec), we will discount it to half.Maximum number of registrations is 50.***Must pay and register to play***Can do that online, or by filling out the Attendant's paper waiver and leave a check/cash. If you register online but don't want to pay online, you can print your pre-registration form after registering online and bring cash or check with you (make check out to: "Town of Northfield") to your first game or put in drop box behind town hall. Please note this is indoor only and no Pickleball during the month of August as NES prepares for school to resume and needs to redo the gym floor. Also, please plan on assisting in putting up and taking down nets each visit as we share a very small space with the rest of the community and school children! Thank you!Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need, or any questions:
Thursday March 27, 2025
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Thursday Night Adult Exercise Classes - Thursday Night Adult Exercise Classes 2025
MORE YOGA/PILATES AND A NEW BARRE CLASS ARE NOW ADDED FOR 2025!!Instructor: Laura Rooney1) Yoga/Pilates fusion classes are from 6-6:45pm2) NEW Barre classes are from 7-7:45pmLocation: Northfield Elementary School cafeteriaCost for all Thursday night classes are a one time cost of $60 (residents), $80 (non-residents). Come to just the yoga/pilates, barre, or both, but this fee is for BOTH the Thursday night exercise classes for THE YEAR!!! Best deal around!!QUESTIONS? EMAIL US:
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM    Thursday Night Adult Exercise Classes - Thursday Night Adult Exercise Classes 2025
MORE YOGA/PILATES AND A NEW BARRE CLASS ARE NOW ADDED FOR 2025!!Instructor: Laura Rooney1) Yoga/Pilates fusion classes are from 6-6:45pm2) NEW Barre classes are from 7-7:45pmLocation: Northfield Elementary School cafeteriaCost for all Thursday night classes are a one time cost of $60 (residents), $80 (non-residents). Come to just the yoga/pilates, barre, or both, but this fee is for BOTH the Thursday night exercise classes for THE YEAR!!! Best deal around!!QUESTIONS? EMAIL US:
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM    FREE Adult Pick-Up Sports Series - FREE Adult Pick-Up Series 2025
The FREE Adult (and often older kids are welcome too!) pick-up sport series varies depending on season, availability and requests.Feel passionate about a sport and willing to be a "point person" for a weekly pick up (with the help of the NRC of course)!? Email us at: reccom@northfieldma.gov2025 our current pick up sports available:1) Co-ed Pick Up Basketball at the Northfield Elementary School Gym on Thursday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Brian!2) Co-ed Pick Up Volleyball at NES gym on Monday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Samantha!3) & 4) Co-Ed Pick Up Soccer at NES gym on Wednesday nights 5:30-7pm AND Sunday mornings 9am to 11am. Thank you to our point person: Matt!
Sunday March 30, 2025
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM    Pickleball - Pickleball 2025
Welcome to Pickleball! Organized by the Northfield Recreation Commission and our staff attendant: Pat Holloway!The goal of Pickleball Open Play Drop In for adults is to allow as many players as feasible to practice and learn from each other in a friendly-competition environment.Doubles games only. First come first serve. Next group waits by stacking their paddles on the sideline in piles of 4.Wednesday nights from 7pm to 9:30pm and Sundays from 11am to 1pm at the Northfield Elementary School Gym (located at the back entrance by the cafeteria/parking lot glass doors).For the 2025 YEAR: Northfield residents is $50 and for non-Northfield residents it is $70.If you sign up to play the later part of the year (Sept-Dec), we will discount it to half.Maximum number of registrations is 50.***Must pay and register to play***Can do that online, or by filling out the Attendant's paper waiver and leave a check/cash. If you register online but don't want to pay online, you can print your pre-registration form after registering online and bring cash or check with you (make check out to: "Town of Northfield") to your first game or put in drop box behind town hall. Please note this is indoor only and no Pickleball during the month of August as NES prepares for school to resume and needs to redo the gym floor. Also, please plan on assisting in putting up and taking down nets each visit as we share a very small space with the rest of the community and school children! Thank you!Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need, or any questions:
Monday March 31, 2025
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM    Mountain Biking Club - Mountain Biking Club Spring 2025
Thank you to Coach Dave Thomas for kick-starting this new club which began in spring of 2024!For kids in grades: 4th and up (middle school and high school too!) in Northfield and surrounding towns. Limit of 12 riders and looking for additional parents/adults/teens who mountain bike as well and are willing to help/fill-in.All participants are required to have a decent working/safe and size-appropriate mountain bike plus a properly fitted bicycle safety helmet and be able to ride bikes over uneven ground and up and down hills safely with obstacles.This group is intended for reasonably competent bicycle riders looking to improve their fitness, have fun and learn the skills of Mountain Biking by learning from others. Riders must be ok with the occasional fall, scrapes and having to wait for others on the trail as no one is left behind.(Please let us know if you would like to participate, but do not have access to a mountain bike, as we have a couple medium sized used bikes we can loan! & Thursdays 4:30-5:30pm beginning at Northfield Elementary but then transitioning to the Richardson Loop Trailhead (on Birnam Rd. behind the Northfield Golf Course). Begins Thursday April 3rd (weather permitting). May also do trails at Montague Plains and Northfield Mountain (can arrange some carpooling). Every ride is weather dependent. Head coach will create a text message thread at beginning of season to share details of rides, be able to ask questions, announce cancellations, etc.Homeschoolers welcome!Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need:
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Baseball - Coach Pitch Baseball
Spring co-ed baseball consists of two levels:* T-Ball (PreK to 1st): Practice once a week, Tuesdays 5-6pm at NES. $30 ($40 non-resident) Thanks to Coach Caleb!!!* Coach Pitch (stronger 1st grade players to 3rd grade): which is practice twice a week and travel games on Saturday mornings at 9am. $45 ($55 non-resident). Coach Pitch practices are Mondays 5-6pm and Thursdays 5-6pm at NES. Thanks to Coach Chris!!! ALL kids get t-shirts :)Begins as soon as weather is good, typically April to beginning of June.Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need:
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM    FREE Adult Pick-Up Sports Series - FREE Adult Pick-Up Series 2025
The FREE Adult (and often older kids are welcome too!) pick-up sport series varies depending on season, availability and requests.Feel passionate about a sport and willing to be a "point person" for a weekly pick up (with the help of the NRC of course)!? Email us at: reccom@northfieldma.gov2025 our current pick up sports available:1) Co-ed Pick Up Basketball at the Northfield Elementary School Gym on Thursday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Brian!2) Co-ed Pick Up Volleyball at NES gym on Monday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Samantha!3) & 4) Co-Ed Pick Up Soccer at NES gym on Wednesday nights 5:30-7pm AND Sunday mornings 9am to 11am. Thank you to our point person: Matt!
Tuesday April 1, 2025
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM    Girls Softball - Senior Girls Softball
4th to 6th grade Senior Girls Softball competitive league $45.00 ($55 non-resident)Season runs from April to June. Games typically happen during the week TBD.Practices for Senior team: Tuesdays & Fridays 4:30-5:30pm (and NES gym if weather is bad), at the West Northfield Playground: 687 Mt Hermon Station Rd. Northfield, MA.Coach Jon (Senior team)and NEW THIS YEAR: JUNIOR GIRLS SOFTBALL (GRADES 1ST TO 3RD).**********Need a coach(es) and at least 7-9 kids to sign up!!***********Cost is $30 for residents ($40 non-residents) but we will not charge for the Junior team as of yet until we know if it is a go or not!If there are 3rd graders signed up for Junior team, and it doesn't happen, the 3rd graders can play with the Senior team.Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need:
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Baseball - T-Ball
Spring co-ed baseball consists of two levels:* T-Ball (PreK to 1st): Practice once a week, Tuesdays 5-6pm at NES. $30 ($40 non-resident) Thanks to Coach Caleb!!!* Coach Pitch (stronger 1st grade players to 3rd grade): which is practice twice a week and travel games on Saturday mornings at 9am. $45 ($55 non-resident). Coach Pitch practices are Mondays 5-6pm and Thursdays 5-6pm at NES. Thanks to Coach Chris!!! ALL kids get t-shirts :)Begins as soon as weather is good, typically April to beginning of June.Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need:
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Tuesday Night Adult Exercise Classes - Tuesday Night Adult Exercise Classes for the year 2025
For $60 a year for residents (and $80 for non-residents) you can register for our adult exercise class(es)! After you pay your yearly fee and do your online waiver, you can attend as many of the classes as you want! (First class is free so that you can check it out first!) :)Please note the yearly fee is for ALL/ANY fitness classes on Tuesday nights taught by Laura RooneyCurrent offerings:Yoga/Pilates fusion year round on Tuesdays from 6-6:45pm at the *Northfield Elementary School CafeteriaDance Aerobics year round on Tuesdays from 7-7:45pm at the *Northfield Elementary School gym.Taught by fitness instructor: Laura Rooney!*Please note that between May to Sept we will shift to the Northfield Golf Course and Yoga/Pilates will be from 6-6:45pm and Dance Aerobics will be from 6:45-7:30pm. For cancellations, we will email you directly as soon as we are able and also post on Facebook.Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need: reccom@northfieldma.govHappy exercising!
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM    Tuesday Night Adult Exercise Classes - Tuesday Night Adult Exercise Classes for the year 2025
For $60 a year for residents (and $80 for non-residents) you can register for our adult exercise class(es)! After you pay your yearly fee and do your online waiver, you can attend as many of the classes as you want! (First class is free so that you can check it out first!) :)Please note the yearly fee is for ALL/ANY fitness classes on Tuesday nights taught by Laura RooneyCurrent offerings:Yoga/Pilates fusion year round on Tuesdays from 6-6:45pm at the *Northfield Elementary School CafeteriaDance Aerobics year round on Tuesdays from 7-7:45pm at the *Northfield Elementary School gym.Taught by fitness instructor: Laura Rooney!*Please note that between May to Sept we will shift to the Northfield Golf Course and Yoga/Pilates will be from 6-6:45pm and Dance Aerobics will be from 6:45-7:30pm. For cancellations, we will email you directly as soon as we are able and also post on Facebook.Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need: reccom@northfieldma.govHappy exercising!
Wednesday April 2, 2025
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM    Choir Club - Choir Club Nov to Jun 2024-2025
NEW PROGRAM! CHOIR CLUB! F R E E !!Wednesdays 3:30-4:00pm at the Northfield Elementary School cafeteria. (Please note, kids at NES will have the option to be dismissed as a walker to choir leader or parent after school but need to send letter into school).Ages 6 to 18, and parents are welcome to participate and strongly encouraged to attend (parental attendance is required for kids who need extra support)! Limited to 10 children. Choir Leader:  Leslie KelloggLocation: Northfield Elementary School cafeteria 104 Main St. One half-hour weekly class during the school year to include vocal warm-ups, singing, percussion instruments and movement. Songs will include folk, hymns, camp, pop and American songbook. (There will also be opportunities to sing at the Trinitarian Church once a month, but performing is not required to attend and sing with us).In addition to the Choir Club there will be an opportunity to perform in two Christmas plays, one on Dec 15th or 22nd, and one on Christmas Eve at the Trinitarian.  (We will have two rehearsals for each - can be m,w,th,or fri and/or 11:00 on Sundays - all in December).  We will learn two plays - there will be some reading parts and there will be some speaking parts.  For anyone who prefers not to read or speak, we have a part for you too! Also FREE! All ages welcome, and parents who would like to help prepare costumes, or help herd the sheep are welcome too!   Leslie Kellogg attended Northfield Elementary School and PVRS.  She has an Associates and Bachelor's degree in Recreation and Leisure Services.  Leslie also has a Master's in Social Work and holds an LCSW.  Most of her career has been leading children and teens in team building exercises.  
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM    FREE Adult Pick-Up Sports Series - FREE Adult Pick-Up Series 2025
The FREE Adult (and often older kids are welcome too!) pick-up sport series varies depending on season, availability and requests.Feel passionate about a sport and willing to be a "point person" for a weekly pick up (with the help of the NRC of course)!? Email us at: reccom@northfieldma.gov2025 our current pick up sports available:1) Co-ed Pick Up Basketball at the Northfield Elementary School Gym on Thursday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Brian!2) Co-ed Pick Up Volleyball at NES gym on Monday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Samantha!3) & 4) Co-Ed Pick Up Soccer at NES gym on Wednesday nights 5:30-7pm AND Sunday mornings 9am to 11am. Thank you to our point person: Matt!
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM    Pickleball - Pickleball 2025
Welcome to Pickleball! Organized by the Northfield Recreation Commission and our staff attendant: Pat Holloway!The goal of Pickleball Open Play Drop In for adults is to allow as many players as feasible to practice and learn from each other in a friendly-competition environment.Doubles games only. First come first serve. Next group waits by stacking their paddles on the sideline in piles of 4.Wednesday nights from 7pm to 9:30pm and Sundays from 11am to 1pm at the Northfield Elementary School Gym (located at the back entrance by the cafeteria/parking lot glass doors).For the 2025 YEAR: Northfield residents is $50 and for non-Northfield residents it is $70.If you sign up to play the later part of the year (Sept-Dec), we will discount it to half.Maximum number of registrations is 50.***Must pay and register to play***Can do that online, or by filling out the Attendant's paper waiver and leave a check/cash. If you register online but don't want to pay online, you can print your pre-registration form after registering online and bring cash or check with you (make check out to: "Town of Northfield") to your first game or put in drop box behind town hall. Please note this is indoor only and no Pickleball during the month of August as NES prepares for school to resume and needs to redo the gym floor. Also, please plan on assisting in putting up and taking down nets each visit as we share a very small space with the rest of the community and school children! Thank you!Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need, or any questions:
Thursday April 3, 2025
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM    Mountain Biking Club - Mountain Biking Club Spring 2025
Thank you to Coach Dave Thomas for kick-starting this new club which began in spring of 2024!For kids in grades: 4th and up (middle school and high school too!) in Northfield and surrounding towns. Limit of 12 riders and looking for additional parents/adults/teens who mountain bike as well and are willing to help/fill-in.All participants are required to have a decent working/safe and size-appropriate mountain bike plus a properly fitted bicycle safety helmet and be able to ride bikes over uneven ground and up and down hills safely with obstacles.This group is intended for reasonably competent bicycle riders looking to improve their fitness, have fun and learn the skills of Mountain Biking by learning from others. Riders must be ok with the occasional fall, scrapes and having to wait for others on the trail as no one is left behind.(Please let us know if you would like to participate, but do not have access to a mountain bike, as we have a couple medium sized used bikes we can loan! & Thursdays 4:30-5:30pm beginning at Northfield Elementary but then transitioning to the Richardson Loop Trailhead (on Birnam Rd. behind the Northfield Golf Course). Begins Thursday April 3rd (weather permitting). May also do trails at Montague Plains and Northfield Mountain (can arrange some carpooling). Every ride is weather dependent. Head coach will create a text message thread at beginning of season to share details of rides, be able to ask questions, announce cancellations, etc.Homeschoolers welcome!Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need:
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Baseball - Coach Pitch Baseball
Spring co-ed baseball consists of two levels:* T-Ball (PreK to 1st): Practice once a week, Tuesdays 5-6pm at NES. $30 ($40 non-resident) Thanks to Coach Caleb!!!* Coach Pitch (stronger 1st grade players to 3rd grade): which is practice twice a week and travel games on Saturday mornings at 9am. $45 ($55 non-resident). Coach Pitch practices are Mondays 5-6pm and Thursdays 5-6pm at NES. Thanks to Coach Chris!!! ALL kids get t-shirts :)Begins as soon as weather is good, typically April to beginning of June.Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need:
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Thursday Night Adult Exercise Classes - Thursday Night Adult Exercise Classes 2025
MORE YOGA/PILATES AND A NEW BARRE CLASS ARE NOW ADDED FOR 2025!!Instructor: Laura Rooney1) Yoga/Pilates fusion classes are from 6-6:45pm2) NEW Barre classes are from 7-7:45pmLocation: Northfield Elementary School cafeteriaCost for all Thursday night classes are a one time cost of $60 (residents), $80 (non-residents). Come to just the yoga/pilates, barre, or both, but this fee is for BOTH the Thursday night exercise classes for THE YEAR!!! Best deal around!!QUESTIONS? EMAIL US:
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM    Thursday Night Adult Exercise Classes - Thursday Night Adult Exercise Classes 2025
MORE YOGA/PILATES AND A NEW BARRE CLASS ARE NOW ADDED FOR 2025!!Instructor: Laura Rooney1) Yoga/Pilates fusion classes are from 6-6:45pm2) NEW Barre classes are from 7-7:45pmLocation: Northfield Elementary School cafeteriaCost for all Thursday night classes are a one time cost of $60 (residents), $80 (non-residents). Come to just the yoga/pilates, barre, or both, but this fee is for BOTH the Thursday night exercise classes for THE YEAR!!! Best deal around!!QUESTIONS? EMAIL US:
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM    FREE Adult Pick-Up Sports Series - FREE Adult Pick-Up Series 2025
The FREE Adult (and often older kids are welcome too!) pick-up sport series varies depending on season, availability and requests.Feel passionate about a sport and willing to be a "point person" for a weekly pick up (with the help of the NRC of course)!? Email us at: reccom@northfieldma.gov2025 our current pick up sports available:1) Co-ed Pick Up Basketball at the Northfield Elementary School Gym on Thursday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Brian!2) Co-ed Pick Up Volleyball at NES gym on Monday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Samantha!3) & 4) Co-Ed Pick Up Soccer at NES gym on Wednesday nights 5:30-7pm AND Sunday mornings 9am to 11am. Thank you to our point person: Matt!
Friday April 4, 2025
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM    Girls Softball - Senior Girls Softball
4th to 6th grade Senior Girls Softball competitive league $45.00 ($55 non-resident)Season runs from April to June. Games typically happen during the week TBD.Practices for Senior team: Tuesdays & Fridays 4:30-5:30pm (and NES gym if weather is bad), at the West Northfield Playground: 687 Mt Hermon Station Rd. Northfield, MA.Coach Jon (Senior team)and NEW THIS YEAR: JUNIOR GIRLS SOFTBALL (GRADES 1ST TO 3RD).**********Need a coach(es) and at least 7-9 kids to sign up!!***********Cost is $30 for residents ($40 non-residents) but we will not charge for the Junior team as of yet until we know if it is a go or not!If there are 3rd graders signed up for Junior team, and it doesn't happen, the 3rd graders can play with the Senior team.Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need:
Sunday April 6, 2025
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM    Pickleball - Pickleball 2025
Welcome to Pickleball! Organized by the Northfield Recreation Commission and our staff attendant: Pat Holloway!The goal of Pickleball Open Play Drop In for adults is to allow as many players as feasible to practice and learn from each other in a friendly-competition environment.Doubles games only. First come first serve. Next group waits by stacking their paddles on the sideline in piles of 4.Wednesday nights from 7pm to 9:30pm and Sundays from 11am to 1pm at the Northfield Elementary School Gym (located at the back entrance by the cafeteria/parking lot glass doors).For the 2025 YEAR: Northfield residents is $50 and for non-Northfield residents it is $70.If you sign up to play the later part of the year (Sept-Dec), we will discount it to half.Maximum number of registrations is 50.***Must pay and register to play***Can do that online, or by filling out the Attendant's paper waiver and leave a check/cash. If you register online but don't want to pay online, you can print your pre-registration form after registering online and bring cash or check with you (make check out to: "Town of Northfield") to your first game or put in drop box behind town hall. Please note this is indoor only and no Pickleball during the month of August as NES prepares for school to resume and needs to redo the gym floor. Also, please plan on assisting in putting up and taking down nets each visit as we share a very small space with the rest of the community and school children! Thank you!Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need, or any questions:
Monday April 7, 2025
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM    Girls Softball - Junior Girls Softball
4th to 6th grade Senior Girls Softball competitive league $45.00 ($55 non-resident)Season runs from April to June. Games typically happen during the week TBD.Practices for Senior team: Tuesdays & Fridays 4:30-5:30pm (and NES gym if weather is bad), at the West Northfield Playground: 687 Mt Hermon Station Rd. Northfield, MA.Coach Jon (Senior team)and NEW THIS YEAR: JUNIOR GIRLS SOFTBALL (GRADES 1ST TO 3RD).**********Need a coach(es) and at least 7-9 kids to sign up!!***********Cost is $30 for residents ($40 non-residents) but we will not charge for the Junior team as of yet until we know if it is a go or not!If there are 3rd graders signed up for Junior team, and it doesn't happen, the 3rd graders can play with the Senior team.Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need:
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM    Mountain Biking Club - Mountain Biking Club Spring 2025
Thank you to Coach Dave Thomas for kick-starting this new club which began in spring of 2024!For kids in grades: 4th and up (middle school and high school too!) in Northfield and surrounding towns. Limit of 12 riders and looking for additional parents/adults/teens who mountain bike as well and are willing to help/fill-in.All participants are required to have a decent working/safe and size-appropriate mountain bike plus a properly fitted bicycle safety helmet and be able to ride bikes over uneven ground and up and down hills safely with obstacles.This group is intended for reasonably competent bicycle riders looking to improve their fitness, have fun and learn the skills of Mountain Biking by learning from others. Riders must be ok with the occasional fall, scrapes and having to wait for others on the trail as no one is left behind.(Please let us know if you would like to participate, but do not have access to a mountain bike, as we have a couple medium sized used bikes we can loan! & Thursdays 4:30-5:30pm beginning at Northfield Elementary but then transitioning to the Richardson Loop Trailhead (on Birnam Rd. behind the Northfield Golf Course). Begins Thursday April 3rd (weather permitting). May also do trails at Montague Plains and Northfield Mountain (can arrange some carpooling). Every ride is weather dependent. Head coach will create a text message thread at beginning of season to share details of rides, be able to ask questions, announce cancellations, etc.Homeschoolers welcome!Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need:
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Baseball - Coach Pitch Baseball
Spring co-ed baseball consists of two levels:* T-Ball (PreK to 1st): Practice once a week, Tuesdays 5-6pm at NES. $30 ($40 non-resident) Thanks to Coach Caleb!!!* Coach Pitch (stronger 1st grade players to 3rd grade): which is practice twice a week and travel games on Saturday mornings at 9am. $45 ($55 non-resident). Coach Pitch practices are Mondays 5-6pm and Thursdays 5-6pm at NES. Thanks to Coach Chris!!! ALL kids get t-shirts :)Begins as soon as weather is good, typically April to beginning of June.Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need:
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM    FREE Adult Pick-Up Sports Series - FREE Adult Pick-Up Series 2025
The FREE Adult (and often older kids are welcome too!) pick-up sport series varies depending on season, availability and requests.Feel passionate about a sport and willing to be a "point person" for a weekly pick up (with the help of the NRC of course)!? Email us at: reccom@northfieldma.gov2025 our current pick up sports available:1) Co-ed Pick Up Basketball at the Northfield Elementary School Gym on Thursday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Brian!2) Co-ed Pick Up Volleyball at NES gym on Monday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Samantha!3) & 4) Co-Ed Pick Up Soccer at NES gym on Wednesday nights 5:30-7pm AND Sunday mornings 9am to 11am. Thank you to our point person: Matt!
Tuesday April 8, 2025
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM    Girls Softball - Senior Girls Softball
4th to 6th grade Senior Girls Softball competitive league $45.00 ($55 non-resident)Season runs from April to June. Games typically happen during the week TBD.Practices for Senior team: Tuesdays & Fridays 4:30-5:30pm (and NES gym if weather is bad), at the West Northfield Playground: 687 Mt Hermon Station Rd. Northfield, MA.Coach Jon (Senior team)and NEW THIS YEAR: JUNIOR GIRLS SOFTBALL (GRADES 1ST TO 3RD).**********Need a coach(es) and at least 7-9 kids to sign up!!***********Cost is $30 for residents ($40 non-residents) but we will not charge for the Junior team as of yet until we know if it is a go or not!If there are 3rd graders signed up for Junior team, and it doesn't happen, the 3rd graders can play with the Senior team.Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need:
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Baseball - T-Ball
Spring co-ed baseball consists of two levels:* T-Ball (PreK to 1st): Practice once a week, Tuesdays 5-6pm at NES. $30 ($40 non-resident) Thanks to Coach Caleb!!!* Coach Pitch (stronger 1st grade players to 3rd grade): which is practice twice a week and travel games on Saturday mornings at 9am. $45 ($55 non-resident). Coach Pitch practices are Mondays 5-6pm and Thursdays 5-6pm at NES. Thanks to Coach Chris!!! ALL kids get t-shirts :)Begins as soon as weather is good, typically April to beginning of June.Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need:
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Tuesday Night Adult Exercise Classes - Tuesday Night Adult Exercise Classes for the year 2025
For $60 a year for residents (and $80 for non-residents) you can register for our adult exercise class(es)! After you pay your yearly fee and do your online waiver, you can attend as many of the classes as you want! (First class is free so that you can check it out first!) :)Please note the yearly fee is for ALL/ANY fitness classes on Tuesday nights taught by Laura RooneyCurrent offerings:Yoga/Pilates fusion year round on Tuesdays from 6-6:45pm at the *Northfield Elementary School CafeteriaDance Aerobics year round on Tuesdays from 7-7:45pm at the *Northfield Elementary School gym.Taught by fitness instructor: Laura Rooney!*Please note that between May to Sept we will shift to the Northfield Golf Course and Yoga/Pilates will be from 6-6:45pm and Dance Aerobics will be from 6:45-7:30pm. For cancellations, we will email you directly as soon as we are able and also post on Facebook.Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need: reccom@northfieldma.govHappy exercising!
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM    Tuesday Night Adult Exercise Classes - Tuesday Night Adult Exercise Classes for the year 2025
For $60 a year for residents (and $80 for non-residents) you can register for our adult exercise class(es)! After you pay your yearly fee and do your online waiver, you can attend as many of the classes as you want! (First class is free so that you can check it out first!) :)Please note the yearly fee is for ALL/ANY fitness classes on Tuesday nights taught by Laura RooneyCurrent offerings:Yoga/Pilates fusion year round on Tuesdays from 6-6:45pm at the *Northfield Elementary School CafeteriaDance Aerobics year round on Tuesdays from 7-7:45pm at the *Northfield Elementary School gym.Taught by fitness instructor: Laura Rooney!*Please note that between May to Sept we will shift to the Northfield Golf Course and Yoga/Pilates will be from 6-6:45pm and Dance Aerobics will be from 6:45-7:30pm. For cancellations, we will email you directly as soon as we are able and also post on Facebook.Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need: reccom@northfieldma.govHappy exercising!
Wednesday April 9, 2025
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM    Choir Club - Choir Club Nov to Jun 2024-2025
NEW PROGRAM! CHOIR CLUB! F R E E !!Wednesdays 3:30-4:00pm at the Northfield Elementary School cafeteria. (Please note, kids at NES will have the option to be dismissed as a walker to choir leader or parent after school but need to send letter into school).Ages 6 to 18, and parents are welcome to participate and strongly encouraged to attend (parental attendance is required for kids who need extra support)! Limited to 10 children. Choir Leader:  Leslie KelloggLocation: Northfield Elementary School cafeteria 104 Main St. One half-hour weekly class during the school year to include vocal warm-ups, singing, percussion instruments and movement. Songs will include folk, hymns, camp, pop and American songbook. (There will also be opportunities to sing at the Trinitarian Church once a month, but performing is not required to attend and sing with us).In addition to the Choir Club there will be an opportunity to perform in two Christmas plays, one on Dec 15th or 22nd, and one on Christmas Eve at the Trinitarian.  (We will have two rehearsals for each - can be m,w,th,or fri and/or 11:00 on Sundays - all in December).  We will learn two plays - there will be some reading parts and there will be some speaking parts.  For anyone who prefers not to read or speak, we have a part for you too! Also FREE! All ages welcome, and parents who would like to help prepare costumes, or help herd the sheep are welcome too!   Leslie Kellogg attended Northfield Elementary School and PVRS.  She has an Associates and Bachelor's degree in Recreation and Leisure Services.  Leslie also has a Master's in Social Work and holds an LCSW.  Most of her career has been leading children and teens in team building exercises.  
5:30 PM - 7:00 PM    FREE Adult Pick-Up Sports Series - FREE Adult Pick-Up Series 2025
The FREE Adult (and often older kids are welcome too!) pick-up sport series varies depending on season, availability and requests.Feel passionate about a sport and willing to be a "point person" for a weekly pick up (with the help of the NRC of course)!? Email us at: reccom@northfieldma.gov2025 our current pick up sports available:1) Co-ed Pick Up Basketball at the Northfield Elementary School Gym on Thursday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Brian!2) Co-ed Pick Up Volleyball at NES gym on Monday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Samantha!3) & 4) Co-Ed Pick Up Soccer at NES gym on Wednesday nights 5:30-7pm AND Sunday mornings 9am to 11am. Thank you to our point person: Matt!
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM    Pickleball - Pickleball 2025
Welcome to Pickleball! Organized by the Northfield Recreation Commission and our staff attendant: Pat Holloway!The goal of Pickleball Open Play Drop In for adults is to allow as many players as feasible to practice and learn from each other in a friendly-competition environment.Doubles games only. First come first serve. Next group waits by stacking their paddles on the sideline in piles of 4.Wednesday nights from 7pm to 9:30pm and Sundays from 11am to 1pm at the Northfield Elementary School Gym (located at the back entrance by the cafeteria/parking lot glass doors).For the 2025 YEAR: Northfield residents is $50 and for non-Northfield residents it is $70.If you sign up to play the later part of the year (Sept-Dec), we will discount it to half.Maximum number of registrations is 50.***Must pay and register to play***Can do that online, or by filling out the Attendant's paper waiver and leave a check/cash. If you register online but don't want to pay online, you can print your pre-registration form after registering online and bring cash or check with you (make check out to: "Town of Northfield") to your first game or put in drop box behind town hall. Please note this is indoor only and no Pickleball during the month of August as NES prepares for school to resume and needs to redo the gym floor. Also, please plan on assisting in putting up and taking down nets each visit as we share a very small space with the rest of the community and school children! Thank you!Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need, or any questions:
Thursday April 10, 2025
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM    Girls Softball - Junior Girls Softball
4th to 6th grade Senior Girls Softball competitive league $45.00 ($55 non-resident)Season runs from April to June. Games typically happen during the week TBD.Practices for Senior team: Tuesdays & Fridays 4:30-5:30pm (and NES gym if weather is bad), at the West Northfield Playground: 687 Mt Hermon Station Rd. Northfield, MA.Coach Jon (Senior team)and NEW THIS YEAR: JUNIOR GIRLS SOFTBALL (GRADES 1ST TO 3RD).**********Need a coach(es) and at least 7-9 kids to sign up!!***********Cost is $30 for residents ($40 non-residents) but we will not charge for the Junior team as of yet until we know if it is a go or not!If there are 3rd graders signed up for Junior team, and it doesn't happen, the 3rd graders can play with the Senior team.Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need:
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM    Mountain Biking Club - Mountain Biking Club Spring 2025
Thank you to Coach Dave Thomas for kick-starting this new club which began in spring of 2024!For kids in grades: 4th and up (middle school and high school too!) in Northfield and surrounding towns. Limit of 12 riders and looking for additional parents/adults/teens who mountain bike as well and are willing to help/fill-in.All participants are required to have a decent working/safe and size-appropriate mountain bike plus a properly fitted bicycle safety helmet and be able to ride bikes over uneven ground and up and down hills safely with obstacles.This group is intended for reasonably competent bicycle riders looking to improve their fitness, have fun and learn the skills of Mountain Biking by learning from others. Riders must be ok with the occasional fall, scrapes and having to wait for others on the trail as no one is left behind.(Please let us know if you would like to participate, but do not have access to a mountain bike, as we have a couple medium sized used bikes we can loan! & Thursdays 4:30-5:30pm beginning at Northfield Elementary but then transitioning to the Richardson Loop Trailhead (on Birnam Rd. behind the Northfield Golf Course). Begins Thursday April 3rd (weather permitting). May also do trails at Montague Plains and Northfield Mountain (can arrange some carpooling). Every ride is weather dependent. Head coach will create a text message thread at beginning of season to share details of rides, be able to ask questions, announce cancellations, etc.Homeschoolers welcome!Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need:
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Baseball - Coach Pitch Baseball
Spring co-ed baseball consists of two levels:* T-Ball (PreK to 1st): Practice once a week, Tuesdays 5-6pm at NES. $30 ($40 non-resident) Thanks to Coach Caleb!!!* Coach Pitch (stronger 1st grade players to 3rd grade): which is practice twice a week and travel games on Saturday mornings at 9am. $45 ($55 non-resident). Coach Pitch practices are Mondays 5-6pm and Thursdays 5-6pm at NES. Thanks to Coach Chris!!! ALL kids get t-shirts :)Begins as soon as weather is good, typically April to beginning of June.Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need:
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM    Thursday Night Adult Exercise Classes - Thursday Night Adult Exercise Classes 2025
MORE YOGA/PILATES AND A NEW BARRE CLASS ARE NOW ADDED FOR 2025!!Instructor: Laura Rooney1) Yoga/Pilates fusion classes are from 6-6:45pm2) NEW Barre classes are from 7-7:45pmLocation: Northfield Elementary School cafeteriaCost for all Thursday night classes are a one time cost of $60 (residents), $80 (non-residents). Come to just the yoga/pilates, barre, or both, but this fee is for BOTH the Thursday night exercise classes for THE YEAR!!! Best deal around!!QUESTIONS? EMAIL US:
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM    Thursday Night Adult Exercise Classes - Thursday Night Adult Exercise Classes 2025
MORE YOGA/PILATES AND A NEW BARRE CLASS ARE NOW ADDED FOR 2025!!Instructor: Laura Rooney1) Yoga/Pilates fusion classes are from 6-6:45pm2) NEW Barre classes are from 7-7:45pmLocation: Northfield Elementary School cafeteriaCost for all Thursday night classes are a one time cost of $60 (residents), $80 (non-residents). Come to just the yoga/pilates, barre, or both, but this fee is for BOTH the Thursday night exercise classes for THE YEAR!!! Best deal around!!QUESTIONS? EMAIL US:
7:00 PM - 9:30 PM    FREE Adult Pick-Up Sports Series - FREE Adult Pick-Up Series 2025
The FREE Adult (and often older kids are welcome too!) pick-up sport series varies depending on season, availability and requests.Feel passionate about a sport and willing to be a "point person" for a weekly pick up (with the help of the NRC of course)!? Email us at: reccom@northfieldma.gov2025 our current pick up sports available:1) Co-ed Pick Up Basketball at the Northfield Elementary School Gym on Thursday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Brian!2) Co-ed Pick Up Volleyball at NES gym on Monday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Samantha!3) & 4) Co-Ed Pick Up Soccer at NES gym on Wednesday nights 5:30-7pm AND Sunday mornings 9am to 11am. Thank you to our point person: Matt!
Friday April 11, 2025
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM    Girls Softball - Senior Girls Softball
4th to 6th grade Senior Girls Softball competitive league $45.00 ($55 non-resident)Season runs from April to June. Games typically happen during the week TBD.Practices for Senior team: Tuesdays & Fridays 4:30-5:30pm (and NES gym if weather is bad), at the West Northfield Playground: 687 Mt Hermon Station Rd. Northfield, MA.Coach Jon (Senior team)and NEW THIS YEAR: JUNIOR GIRLS SOFTBALL (GRADES 1ST TO 3RD).**********Need a coach(es) and at least 7-9 kids to sign up!!***********Cost is $30 for residents ($40 non-residents) but we will not charge for the Junior team as of yet until we know if it is a go or not!If there are 3rd graders signed up for Junior team, and it doesn't happen, the 3rd graders can play with the Senior team.Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need:
Sunday April 13, 2025
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM    Pickleball - Pickleball 2025
Welcome to Pickleball! Organized by the Northfield Recreation Commission and our staff attendant: Pat Holloway!The goal of Pickleball Open Play Drop In for adults is to allow as many players as feasible to practice and learn from each other in a friendly-competition environment.Doubles games only. First come first serve. Next group waits by stacking their paddles on the sideline in piles of 4.Wednesday nights from 7pm to 9:30pm and Sundays from 11am to 1pm at the Northfield Elementary School Gym (located at the back entrance by the cafeteria/parking lot glass doors).For the 2025 YEAR: Northfield residents is $50 and for non-Northfield residents it is $70.If you sign up to play the later part of the year (Sept-Dec), we will discount it to half.Maximum number of registrations is 50.***Must pay and register to play***Can do that online, or by filling out the Attendant's paper waiver and leave a check/cash. If you register online but don't want to pay online, you can print your pre-registration form after registering online and bring cash or check with you (make check out to: "Town of Northfield") to your first game or put in drop box behind town hall. Please note this is indoor only and no Pickleball during the month of August as NES prepares for school to resume and needs to redo the gym floor. Also, please plan on assisting in putting up and taking down nets each visit as we share a very small space with the rest of the community and school children! Thank you!Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need, or any questions:
Monday April 14, 2025
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM    Girls Softball - Junior Girls Softball
4th to 6th grade Senior Girls Softball competitive league $45.00 ($55 non-resident)Season runs from April to June. Games typically happen during the week TBD.Practices for Senior team: Tuesdays & Fridays 4:30-5:30pm (and NES gym if weather is bad), at the West Northfield Playground: 687 Mt Hermon Station Rd. Northfield, MA.Coach Jon (Senior team)and NEW THIS YEAR: JUNIOR GIRLS SOFTBALL (GRADES 1ST TO 3RD).**********Need a coach(es) and at least 7-9 kids to sign up!!***********Cost is $30 for residents ($40 non-residents) but we will not charge for the Junior team as of yet until we know if it is a go or not!If there are 3rd graders signed up for Junior team, and it doesn't happen, the 3rd graders can play with the Senior team.Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need:
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM    Mountain Biking Club - Mountain Biking Club Spring 2025
Thank you to Coach Dave Thomas for kick-starting this new club which began in spring of 2024!For kids in grades: 4th and up (middle school and high school too!) in Northfield and surrounding towns. Limit of 12 riders and looking for additional parents/adults/teens who mountain bike as well and are willing to help/fill-in.All participants are required to have a decent working/safe and size-appropriate mountain bike plus a properly fitted bicycle safety helmet and be able to ride bikes over uneven ground and up and down hills safely with obstacles.This group is intended for reasonably competent bicycle riders looking to improve their fitness, have fun and learn the skills of Mountain Biking by learning from others. Riders must be ok with the occasional fall, scrapes and having to wait for others on the trail as no one is left behind.(Please let us know if you would like to participate, but do not have access to a mountain bike, as we have a couple medium sized used bikes we can loan! & Thursdays 4:30-5:30pm beginning at Northfield Elementary but then transitioning to the Richardson Loop Trailhead (on Birnam Rd. behind the Northfield Golf Course). Begins Thursday April 3rd (weather permitting). May also do trails at Montague Plains and Northfield Mountain (can arrange some carpooling). Every ride is weather dependent. Head coach will create a text message thread at beginning of season to share details of rides, be able to ask questions, announce cancellations, etc.Homeschoolers welcome!Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need:
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Baseball - Coach Pitch Baseball
Spring co-ed baseball consists of two levels:* T-Ball (PreK to 1st): Practice once a week, Tuesdays 5-6pm at NES. $30 ($40 non-resident) Thanks to Coach Caleb!!!* Coach Pitch (stronger 1st grade players to 3rd grade): which is practice twice a week and travel games on Saturday mornings at 9am. $45 ($55 non-resident). Coach Pitch practices are Mondays 5-6pm and Thursdays 5-6pm at NES. Thanks to Coach Chris!!! ALL kids get t-shirts :)Begins as soon as weather is good, typically April to beginning of June.Northfield Residents: please contact NRC via email if you have a financial need:
7:00 PM - 8:00 PM    FREE Adult Pick-Up Sports Series - FREE Adult Pick-Up Series 2025
The FREE Adult (and often older kids are welcome too!) pick-up sport series varies depending on season, availability and requests.Feel passionate about a sport and willing to be a "point person" for a weekly pick up (with the help of the NRC of course)!? Email us at: reccom@northfieldma.gov2025 our current pick up sports available:1) Co-ed Pick Up Basketball at the Northfield Elementary School Gym on Thursday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Brian!2) Co-ed Pick Up Volleyball at NES gym on Monday nights at 7pm. Thank you to our point person: Samantha!3) & 4) Co-Ed Pick Up Soccer at NES gym on Wednesday nights 5:30-7pm AND Sunday mornings 9am to 11am. Thank you to our point person: Matt!